Tuesday, August 29, 2006

(Translation) 马奈 (三)

Ha, it's still his birthday on my side of the globe! Still time for another present - translated Manet III of Jaime's. Phew, what a productive day! I feel good.

生日快乐, 勇俊先生! 这是送给你的 ……

亲爱的姐妹们 …… 我又来啦,与你一同继续马奈的旅程.这一章我想探讨马奈的哲学影响以及它怎样反映在我们王子的表演艺术上.

马奈的伟大要归功于他通过艺术表现生活的真实 – 他天生的对周围环境敏锐的感觉,他的成熟和慎重. 通过他非凡的眼光和他油画笔触的效力,他画中的人物都变得栩栩如生 – 在阴暗的光线和昏暗的对照下容光焕发.

尽管马奈与传统美术学院派分道扬镳,我们还是不能忽略浪漫主义(德拉克罗瓦), 现实主义(伦勃朗)和柏拉图的认识论对他的影响. 柏拉图赋予探求真理高度的精神价值,而视效仿为欺骗. 他怀疑视觉艺术是一种模仿,因此不能将世间物体的纯粹形态描绘出来.马奈认识到诗歌与现实结合的本质,将真诚的情感和精神渗透于平凡的画像中. 这在他的”柴可里.阿斯楚克肖像”中表现得非常明显.他将柏拉图的人类认知的四个阶段(智力,思索,信仰,相象)反映到他的画中,将他的主题概念化地称列于画面的四个区域.


在二十一世纪,视觉艺术的定义被扩展到包括戏剧和影片, 勇俊便是反证柏拉图几个世纪前古老哲学的光辉榜样. 在”四月雪”的”醉酒场景”的拍摄中我们亲眼目睹勇俊坚持忠于现实的不懈精神和对表演艺术的真诚态度.为了真实地再现受到背叛,自尊受损和无助的复杂情感, 他自愿喝酒将自己陷入半醉的状态, 将其外在受挫折和内心的挣扎表现得淋漓尽致.如果柏拉图今天还健在,想象一下勇俊和他关于模仿不同种类茶叶的哲理性交流将会是多么有趣?我很想当他们讨论的裁判员呢(当然,我肯定是完全支持某一边的了)!

马奈的水彩画展示了如此的个人魅力而且好象表达起来不费吹灰之力,他对他的崇拜者的温柔的信文以其敬意表现出精神化和诚实感,散发出温暖和感性.在以下这些艺术作品中,我试图用柏拉图著名的示意图来定义人类的认知.以超凡魅力的勇俊这一智慧和学识的化身象征永恒的形态,而以马奈的花卉杰作来代表感官认识的自然物体. 生日快乐, 勇俊先生! 这是送给你的 ……


1. 印象流派,Belinda Thomson and Michael Howard, Bison Books Corp. 1988
2. 印象派艺术, 休闲与巴黎社会, Robert L. Herbert, 耶鲁大学出版, New Haven & London. 1988
3. 印象派和后印象派, James N. Wood, 芝加哥艺术学院. 2000
4. 马奈 静物画, George Mauner, 美国艺术同盟会. 2000
5. 我相信以上艺术作品中的第一幅图是一位姐妹的作品. 抱歉我不知道它的来源,请告知这样帖是否合适.

(Translation) 马奈 (二)

Jaime's Manet II is translated now.

Happy Birthday BYJ!

亲爱的姐妹们 …… 希望你们喜欢马奈系列的第一篇. 若真是如此,你们一定很想知道爱德华.马奈与我们勇俊之间”转弯抹角”的联系.

爱德华.马奈是法国印象派画家(1832-1883), 被尊称为印象派运动的驱动力. 在马奈的敬慕者中有Frederic Bazille, Edgar Degas (德加), Claude Monet (莫奈), Camille Pissarro (毕沙罗) 和 Pierre Auguste Renoir (雷诺阿). 这些前卫派艺术家们以激进挑战传统艺术的方式将他们变革的社会表现在作品里 --- 赋予历史题材以新的观点. 我们亲爱的勇俊被广誉为韩流的领袖,而他的正直也深受娱乐界同行们的尊重.他创造了诸多”现象”和很多”第一”,并不断探索个人发展的新领域. 不满足于单方面的韩流走向,他致力于拓宽韩流的范畴以推进亚洲向世界发展的运动. 他不仅通过表演艺术来实行这一理想,而且也历行于他个人和商业的探求中,这我们可以从他近期Keyeast 和 高矢礼的成就中看出.


现在想起来了, 对吧? “草地上的午餐”描绘了两个衣冠齐整的年轻男性学者和他们的裸体女性同伴的惊人对照, 他们在草地上随意地享受着午餐. 马奈借用Marcantonio Raimondi的雕刻图(源于拉菲尔的”巴黎的审判” )中水神的形体组合和姿态,用在他自己的油画中对形体的安排.

十八世纪中期繁荣的巴黎城市正在经历着急速的建筑发展和社会变革. 巴黎人对物质的华丽和悠闲的”咖啡馆社交”的生活方式产生了越来越强烈的崇尚. (有趣的是, Cartier, Hermes 和 Louis Vuitton的豪华房屋设计也都是在这一时代兴盛起来的). 马奈引用古老的 "巴黎的审判”的形象,意于传达一种”戒欲”的主题,劝戒巴黎人应该过一种更有节制和道德的生活.当它1863年第一次在”落选作品沙龙"展出时成为评审会批评的主要焦点.

我注意到” 阳光场地”中对” 草地上的午餐”的选择是借此类比朴仁范对首尔大城市的上流社会的地位和生活方式的贪图和渴望. 他(仁范)最后返回煤矿老家也反映了他回归质朴而真实生活的决心.

有艺术细胞的姐妹们是不是也可以分享你们对” 草地上的午餐”在 ” 阳光场地”中的含意的解释.

注 : *” 巴黎的审判” - 巴黎是希腊神话中特洛依王子的名字(记得影片特洛依中Orlando Bloom扮演的巴黎吗?), 不要和法国的巴黎城搞混了啊. (译者注: 也许中文一般将特洛依王子的名字翻为巴厘斯,但英文特洛依王子的名字与巴黎城的名字拼写是相同的.)


1.马奈 静物画, George Mauner, 美国艺术同盟会. 2000
2.印象派艺术, 休闲与巴黎社会, Robert L. Herbert, 耶鲁大学出版, New Haven & London. 1988
3.印象派和后印象派, James N. Wood, 芝加哥艺术学院. 2000
4.印象派,Belinda Thomson and Michael Howard, Bison Books Corp. 1988

Monday, August 28, 2006

Jaime's Den - Manet III

Dear sisters …… here I am, continuing my journey on Manet with you. In this chapter, I attempt to explore the philosophical influence on Manet and how it reflects in our prince’s art of acting.

Manet’s greatness is accredited to his truth in life through artistic expression - his innate feelings for his surroundings with sensitivity, his sophistication and thoughtfulness. Through his remarkable eyes and by virtue of the touch of his paint stroke, the subjects in his paintings become alive and vibrant – glowing in the sombre hues of light and dark contrast.

Despite Manet’s radical departure from traditional fine-art academics, one cannot trivialize his influence from Romanticism (Delacroix), Realism (Rembrandt) and Plato’s Cognitive Philosophy. Plato regarded high moral value to the search of truth and viewed imitation as deception. His suspicion of visual arts as a mimesis, therefore not depicting earthly object in its purest form. Manet recognized the essence to coalesce poetry with reality, instilling emotional honesty and truthful spirit into prosaic imagery. It is evident in the ‘Portrait of Zacharie Astruc’ (1866) when he reflected Plato’s four stages of human cognition (namely intelligence, thinking, belief, imagination) as four quadrants in the conceptualization for his subject display.

In the 21st century, the definition of visual art has been expanded to include theatre arts and films, Yong Joon is a shining example as disproof to Plato’s centuries old philosophy. We can witness Yong Joon’s insistence on true-to-reality spirit and sincere attitude into his art of acting during the shooting of the ‘drunken scene’ in April Snow. To recreate realistically the complex emotions of betrayal, crushed self-esteem and helplessness, he voluntarily took in alcohol to immerse himself into a semi-drunken state, thereby portraying the external frustration and internal struggle to its true height. If Plato were alive today, imagine the interesting philosophical exchange Yong Joon would have with him on mimesis over different varieties of tea? I would love to be a referee in that discussion (of course, my support would be entirely one-sided as well)!

While Manet’s water-coloured drawings display such personal charm and seem almost effortless in its presentation, his gentle message to his attractive admirers appears spiritualized and honest in its homage, exuding warmth and sensitivity. In these artworks, I attempt to use Plato’s famous schematic line to define human cognition. With our charismatic Yong Joon, who embodies both intelligence and knowledge, symbolising the immutable form while Manet’s floral masterpiece represents physical object perceived by the senses. Happy Birthday, Yong Joon! This is for you ...…

Acknowledgements :

1. Impressionism, Belinda Thomson and Michael Howard, Bison Books Corp. 1988
2. Impressionism Art, Leisure & Parisian Society, Robert L.Herbert, Yale University Press, New Haven & London. 1988
3. Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, James N. Wood, The Art Institute of Chicago. 2000
4. Manet The Still-Life Paintings, George Mauner, The American Federation of Arts. 2000
5. I believe the picture from the first artwork comes from a sister’s artwork. Sorry I do not know the source, please let me know if this is fine by you.

Monday, August 21, 2006

(Translation) 马奈 (一)

A daunting move, tried to translate Jaime's Manet installment - the first of the series.

亲爱的姐妹们 ......夏天过得好吗? 有一阵没有发帖了, 想来我和我的家人们悠然地享受着这美丽而炎热的夏季. 希望这篇文章能为大家提提神……

近来我在研究法国印象派画家爱徳华.马奈的一系列插图书信的稀世珍藏品. 当我细读每篇插图时, 我的心便洋溢着无法形容的喜悦和温馨的情感. 这些信件所处的境况,使我联想起我们同亲爱的勇俊的关系. 我想邀请你同我一起, 借助于马奈的予人美感的美术作品, 让我们来漫步”超凡魅力的勇俊”的浪漫旅程.

马奈对精致和典雅有着真诚的赞美.这是他的个性的一个方面.这从他有鉴赏力的服饰, 他的举止, 恳挚谦恭和才智可以明显地表现出来. 他有许多倾慕于他的女性朋友, 而他则以优美的书信对她们的爱慕作以回报. 信文通常是简要地谈论关于时尚,艺术,社交和人际关系等话题,但是与花卉水彩画相得益彰,洋溢着一种热情和真挚的情调.这些装饰信文的花卉中有花园玫瑰和石南玫瑰,康乃馨,长春花,花色的轻盈及与文章的交织方式有一种特殊的美.这些信件给女性收信人们带来无尽的乐趣和温柔的感觉,也成为十九世纪艺术风雅中最有抒情诗情调的书页.

我忍不住将马奈和他的女性仰慕者的关系,及我们亲爱的勇俊同我们(影迷)的关系做相应的对照.这么多年来, 有无数发给勇俊的讯息,它们以不同的形式,如文章,艺术品,音乐,视频,有不同的风格和主题,有充满感情的,浪漫的,强有力的,或是幽默的,所有的作者都下意识地渴望我们王子的回复.有时我们收到他的图片,展现出他最迷人和端庄的时尚 --- 我们充满感激地欣赏这些照片,就好象是他给我们的珍贵回报. 亲爱的姐妹们,在此我尝试着对这两个给人感官享受的主题 – 勇俊和马奈的插图作品,做一呼应对照. 让我们来想象这就是我们的王子对我们每一个人的回应吧!






我从马奈的收藏品中选出了15幅精美的插图与你共享.如果你喜欢,我希望将来分不同组贴出,我尝试着从上千张勇俊的图片中找出与每幅作品的情调呼应的(或反过来也一样). 希望你喜爱这马奈系列的第一篇.


1. 感谢bb提供的丰富的图片.
2. 感谢liezle建议的图片网站

3. 马奈 静物画, George Mauner, 美国艺术联合会, 2000
4. 印象派艺术, 休闲与巴黎社会, Robert L. Herbert, 耶鲁大学出版, New Haven & London. 1988
5. 印象派和后印象派, James N. Wood, 芝加哥艺术学院. 2000
6. 印象派,Belinda Thomson and Michael Howard, Bison Books Corp. 1988

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Jaime's Den - Not Enough Time For BYJ

Dear sisters …. I know I’m supposed to continue my serious Manet series, but I just suddenly felt like beating a different drum. So I digressed and drafted this, hope you’ll like it …..

In the 21st century, what is the most precious commodity that modern women like you can never get enough of and keep wanting for more? Diamond, man or time? TIME of course! (ok ok MAN …. especially with that handsome hunk BYJ, right?). We often heard of the use of 4 ‘C’s to define quality :

For diamond : colour, clarity, cut and carat (in order to further explore these complex criteria, I think the husbands should immediately submit a BIG sample for our perusal.)

For man : cash, credit card, car and camera?? (Don’t laugh at me please, I just relate what I heard when I was a young girl). Now that I’ve grown older and wiser, I prefer to define my own 4 ‘C’s to be : charisma, character, compassion and career. Ladies, what are your 4 ‘C’s in a man?

Does this man happen to fit in yours?

For time : the big question is “how can us ‘responsibility-overload’ women squeeze more time out from our super busy schedule for our dear BYJ?”. There’re his precious news, gorgeous pictures, beautiful artworks, exciting videos and interesting write-ups. Its time again for jaime to mobilize those scarce brain matters between her 2 ears to improvise her own 4 ‘C’s in BYJ time management :

1. Consolidate

Unless you sleep on a bench in the park, but if you live in any space covered by a ceiling and bound by 4 walls, then there are endless parade of chores waiting for you at home. I’m a modern woman, I heard of ‘convenience’ words like automate, delegate, streamline and even exterminate ….

Hmmm, how about exercising my authority and start delegating those ‘intellectually non-stimulating’ chores to those non-productive members in the family? Regrettably, ‘yours truly’ falls nicely into that category and is currently at the bottom of that domestic ladder. I am in charge of the rub and scrub, wipe and sweep, wash and dry, and everything in between. Basically the maid, chef, janitor, chauffeur and gardener all rolled in one. If I don’t start gobbling up my food faster, cutting my shower time shorter and employ both hands and feet, I will have no hope of ever sitting down in front of my PC to look at that gorgeous BYJ!

So I’ll say “just let the dust pile up one more layer”, tell me, does anyone really notice? So what if the grass grows another inch taller, it’ll be a more fertile feeding ground for those ‘illegal alien’ rabbits anyway. Hehe …. come to think of it, actually the plumper they grow, there’ll be more meat to serve for my BBQ this summer!

Yong Joon ssi, if you can do it, I can do it too!

But since you’re at it, do you mind doing one more dress for me please?

2. Capitalize

I used to sweat myself off in the kitchen every evening for 3 long and agonizing hours washing and cutting to drum up a grand feast for my family. I often refer this time as my ‘hot oil treatment’ moment, why? Because this lady is receiving boiling oil flying from all directions splattering over my hair, face, neck, arms and hands. Trust me, so many times I contemplated wearing a paper bag over my head with 3 holes cut out for my 2 eyes and nose just to combat this war of shooting oil. After the dust (and oil) is settled and some 20 odd pots and pans piling up in the sink, then I would squeal at the top of my lung the 2 most horrifying words ever heard in the ‘Z’ household - “DINNER’S READY!”. In the next 10 seconds, the whole house would start shaking and trembling, then a series of rumbling footsteps and slamming doors upstairs. I knew that father and son were frantically dashing for their secret attic and closet hiding space to escape from the ‘torture of the inedible kind’.

Yong Joon, I heard that you love serving different kinds of tea to your guests into the WEE hours of the morning. I wonder if Mr. Sohn felt the same torture as my husband and son when his bladder was about to explode? Since my culinary skills (or the lack of it) is not appreciated, now the only thing that I make for dinner is ‘RESERVATION’! That conveniently gives me an extra 3 hours per day for my dear handsome prince, more harmonious mealtime and a burnt-free jaime! A win-win-win situation!

Mr. Sohn pleads, “Ok ok, I’ll introduce you to some girls if you promise not to serve me tea anymore!”

3. Co-ordinate

Enrol the son in all sorts of sports activities (baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer, you name it) with the longest waiting time. Bring along a laptop or portable DVD player (make sure it’s FULLY charged) and enjoy watching my BYJ news and dramas at leisure. Now there’s a trick though : REMEMBER to make a pact with a parent in my son’s team and have her sit next to me. Whenever his team scores (trust me, past record shows that this happens rarer than ‘a flowerpot dropped on my head while walking in an open field’), tell her to give me a quick elbow to wake me up from my BYJ fantasia. Why? So I can spring my whole body up right away and start clapping my hands as loudly as I can. Using supersonic speed search to scan the entire field to locate my son. When I make eye contacts with him, quickly stick my both thumbs up high with a big grin on my face as if I’ve been watching the game all along!

Ladies, the beauty of this is while I am drowning in the handsomeness of our BIG prince, my own LITTLE prince can turn out to be another all-round sporty hunk like our Yong Joon! How brilliant!

4. Co-operate

Appear real gracious and selfless when suggesting a ‘male-bonding’ father and son day or even weekend. Be it golfing in spring, sailing in summer, camping in fall or skiing in winter (the longer the better). I guarantee you that father and son will be jumping for joy and moved to tears thanking mama for making the painful sacrifice of staying all alone in the house! HA, imagine? The whole weekend of Yong Joon without any disturbance! You got to try this one some day!

Dear sisters, I know that these are totally ridiculous ideas and offer absolutely no help to you. If any sister has any practical (and realistic!) time saving tips, please share with us!

Disclaimer : No husband, son or ‘illegal alien’ rabbit is harmed in any way or form during the making of this article. Don’t Humane Society or Center for Domestic Abuse come knocking at my door please!

Monday, August 14, 2006

(Translation) 裴勇俊综合症

Tried to translate one of Jaime's article BYJ Syndrome.

由于最近勇俊王子的行动引发了一系列令人惊叹的美照, 据报在裴王国中年龄18到81的所有女性都在经受如下的过敏性反应:

1. 呼吸短促
2. 心跳不规则,更有甚者,突发性心脏机能紊乱
3. 眼球固定在计算机屏幕上
4. 血液突然涌向大脑造成智力障碍
5. 身体某些部位冻结 : 手臂, 腿部, 手指
6. 面部表情失去控制, 例如眼球突出,嘴巴大张,下颚落下甚至流口水
7. 口吃或失去语言能力
8. 面红耳赤

幸运的是,只要你能断然离开或呼喊他人将你拽离计算机,如上症状均为暂时性的. 不幸的是,这些女同胞的上司或家属的利益将要遭受长期的损害. 由于做白日梦或浮想连篇, 这些女士们一整天都变得全然精神麻痹或毫无工作效益.

根据我浅薄的诊断, 我们这些女士正在遭受高度传染性,全球盛行的裴勇俊综合症.在长期不断地面对这位超级性感和英俊的男人之后,我们可能会表现出某些或所有如下症状:

9. 语言切换 (此人会下意识地脱口而出外国语言,具体而言就是韩语, 比如在感到莫名其妙的家人和紧皱眉头的丈夫面前说出”ah-lah-sol?”
10. 声频切换 (此人即便什么也听不懂,也要坚持选DVD的韩语声道,就为了听那国王性感和柔和的声音)
11. 味觉改变 (此人将辛辣的韩国食品加入日常饮食中,也不管暂时性舌头爆炸和永久性面部粉刺爆发)
12. 新养成的习惯 (此人开始在任何情况下向任何人对着任何方向鞠躬,导致长久性颈部和下腰伤残)
13. 最后对我们最致命的是 : 腰围猛增!!!!! (长期坐在电视/计算机前手持遥控器/鼠标, 大口嚼着任何能吃的东西, 造成我们腕骨遂道症,和我们某些身体部位不需要的扩张!)

(郑重声明 : 请原谅我对韩国文化和医学术语的无知, 只是以笑谈来治疗上述症状. 我对裴勇俊和韩国姐妹们持有最崇高的敬意.)

现在来看看我自开的治疗秘方 (用药时必须由你的裴勇俊殿下亲自和此人共同进行)

14. 去巴黎共渡浪漫周末 (我听到众人雷鸣般的喊声 “你脑子有毛病啦! 下辈子也不可能啊!:) …… 好,好,我听到啦.我有点儿出格啦哈,这个怎么样 ……
15. 在汉江边共进烛光晚餐 (又喊”没门呀!”) …… 可是? 我还没建议去世界蜜月首都尼亚加拉大瀑布呢(这地儿对我说可是太近了,近水楼台先得月嘛!)! 嗯, 也许 ……
16. 一个紧紧的拥抱和短短的亲吻 (众人开始嘟囔 “接着做梦吧!” …… 天哪,姐妹们真是够难的! 至少能不能让我有一个 ……
17. 礼貌的握手 (“再试试” …… 好好… 我认输! 只要我能 ……
18. 在他的礼车后面同其他上百名姐妹们一起追跑喊叫, 就为能看一眼裴勇俊灿烂的笑脸. (众人们终于满意了”这还差不多!”)

(((警告 : 根据我读到的有些姐妹们的亲身经历,与裴勇俊亲眼相见的负作用将比症状未经治疗还具有杀伤力. 因此这可是恶性循环! 汗!

我只是请求那些好心的姐妹们, 将来再发表世外梦幻般裴勇俊的图像时,请提前贴出警告, 例如 :

19. 盯着看后果自负
20. 避免直盯美物
21. 盯看太久对身体有害

亲爱的姐妹同胞们, 如果用尽以上所有的招术还是治不了裴勇俊综合症, 您就只好享受热恋裴勇俊的乐趣了. 我认为自己能够了解他真算是幸运了 (就是离得太远了点儿). 古人云 : “既来之,则安之”.

至于我自己呢, 由于持续过量观赏UFO (Ultra Fascinating Obba - 超级迷人的Obba), 医生已经将我列入偶然性心机失调和大脑障碍的高发病患者名单了! 我的病是没治了!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

All About Him - Hardware Side

From his top down, his fans has been screaming about, here I compile a list, please help me to fill in the gaps -

Misc. (what else can I call it? Huh? bb?)







  • http://frances4byj.blogspot.com/2006/08/his-cheeks.html









  • cute cute one ---

English translation by Joanne from quilt, posted at onlybyj.com (Quilt has lost it, I guess)


Chinese translation by Kokoo from onlybyj.com


re-posted in baidu.com, if you can't read it from onlybyj.com -


Sometimes I found it hard to load articles from onlybyj.com. If it is too hard for you, here is a copy of it, but I can't load photos tonight from blogger.com, the first time I've experienced what bb complained many times in the past. So, for now, only the text, later I'll try to fill the photos. For now, use your creative imagination!


from quilt by joanne
Haebi posted this on the Freeboard of Daum.net's byjintoronto Cafe.
Esthetics of that man's (sexy & ascetic) 'NECK'


It is all because of excessively handsome you!!!!(...)

I have been charmed by force of Donghyeok which returned again..no, by force of BYJ, which was upgraded 16543 steps;; from Donghyeok for two days..

Out of blue, I got to think about that man's neck frequently.(Ah..I am not a pervert. -_-;;)

Mr. BYJ's overwhelming force, having all of us frantic is a matter of course..Hm..

The matter is force wrapping entire body and that man's 'NECK' which one can easily miss as it is hidden behind beautiful face♡

Milky white skin taking make up well(;;), have you used elastin+_+ texture of hari, neat chin line that almost nearly recovered original appearance.
In addition to.. sexy lips, straight nose, handsome forehead-why has he been hiding it,
shoulders with proper angle, and sexiness of angle of putting hand into pocket..
This man's NECK which shows slightly between shirt is really..wow wow


However, after all, NECK of this man, Mr. BYJ is implicated expression of ascetic as well as sexy image that I really love among his countless charms.

First of all, this man's NECK is thick;;
If it were short, thick and short neck..is rather not attractive..., however!!

That gene of length is fortunately applied to the NECK so that that person's Neck, which is even adequately long in addition to be thick+_+
arouses synergy effect so that it becomes a base of joining together sexiness+asceticism+solidness+cleaniness+neatness+charm(?)...etc.etc.

Because he does not have very long neck like deer of course, for people who would object to me
I (cautiously) remind you that I clearly told you that it is adequately long;;;;

For me who view that this long and thick neck contribute in pretty major portion to bright look of suits shown by Donghyeok and polo neck(sweater) of Joonsahng, The length and thickness;; of NECK of Mr. BYJ is completely precious.

That thick and long NECK that would not lose luster even in this poor picture quality

The look of wearing suits is killingly attractive~

If one has short neck, it looks ugly~ Polo neck tee!

Moreover, when he unbottons even one as in this wedding, it will become very much really sexy.
What a shily sexy appearance as all of long and smooth NECk line is barely visible between brightly white shirt colllars..♡♡

Also, long necks also different among them...If they are turtle's neck, they are not attractive;;

As he has habit of proper posture and as he would never have turtle's neck because he did not fall into marsh of reading byjintoronto Cafe (H's note - this site is where the original author Haibi is active on), the straight neck line which vertically goes up from shoulder line is really desirable.

Don't you think that perfect look of suits by Donghyeok was due to straight neck line which follows down from perfect back of head to shoulders?
(You've told previously it was due to length and thickness, haven't you;;;;;)

Mr. BYJ, even when you fall into marsh of reading byjintoronto Cafe, I recommend you to maintain proper distance of about 60-cm between eyes and monitor, and to read in proper posture.
Please do not forget to stretch for a while after doing it for 30 minutes!

I hate, hate for that perfect neck line to become turtle's neck~;;;;;;;;;;

The charm of 'NECK'-nim;; which I cannot handle like this even when it is caged inside shirt,
would be full-blooming at last with V-neck, of by unbutton 3 buttons, or by taking off all;;
By completely Adam's apple and neck bones and, more than any, by revealing clavicles finally, exthetics of BYJ's NECK will reach competion stage;;

Neck almost as thick as the width of face;;
is streching very refreshingly.


That sexiness despite stretching his neck forward.+_+

Here, as an extra, dignity of left hand holding an envelope..

Adam's apple with rightfully desirable;; shape and size, barely revealing neck bone and clavicles shown slightly+_+

When those become more exposed..

Handsome look of that neck bone that nakedly reveals when he turns his neck and hollowing center of clavicles-wow wow

Although I am charmed only by this posture

Oh My~What shall I do with this Neck..wow wow

Hm..wow wow

very much sexy. wow wow

By the way...

the cleaniness(neatness), the representative image of this man is also applied to his NECK.

Is this the neck of man in his middle of 30th~
I imagine for a while the appearance of massaging pushing upward over 20~20 times with neci cream every day..
Although one can see a little wrinkles on close-up of course, most of us have that much wrinkles and those do not mar at all for this smooth skin and neck line.

I feel whenever I see such a smooth NECk of this man, that aloong with very neat and clean feeling, I can feel sexiness mysteriously even in that cleaniness.,br>
That is besides much talked about sexiness felt from thickness of neck, Adam's apple, and clavicles, etc, etc,
That is just as if feeling sexiness from straight up white collar or neatly buttoned cuffs when wearing suits properly(Do I alone feel that way..).

That is intactly the atmosphere of Mr. BYJ himself that I like.
Sexiness emitting quietly in neatness which is restrained and clean to the degree he looks very much ascetic..

Someone told it intellectual sexiness..

Yes, exactly that is felt also from that smooth 'NECK'. (At least to me..)

I wonder if Mr. BYJ finally realized the charm of that handsome 'NECK' (or if Ms. Hong Eunkyeong realized it) he has been exposing his NECk a lot lately and it is very desirable+_+

Because NECk is smooth, necklace are very well becoming on.
(Come to think about it, while you did not like accesorries in the past, you've changed a lot^^)

Donghyeok's white gold necklace was very pretty..
I wanted to become that cute necklace which tightly fit on that thick NECK;;;

A cross necklace..

This kind of necklace with clusters..

Hooray for that man's NECk where all kinds of necklace are all becoming on!!!!!!!!!!!
(Please take care of it well~;;;;)

Would only the NECK be perfect ? Below it I am there too!! That'man's straight clavicles...

Clavicles! Clavicles! Hooray!!!!!!


Friday, August 11, 2006

My Favorite FanFic - This Very Night

If you know BYJ well enough, you should know about his fans well enough and be impressed with them. Undoubtly, you learned about BYJ through his fans' works and you fell in love with BYJ more or less the same time you fell in love with his fans. I am about to say, without his fans, I won't be here writing, you won't be here reading his fans' blogs, and you won't be loving him for this long. We are here for each other, for a reason - for love of LOVE. For love of this man's beauty, for love of this man's virtue, for love of ourselves, for love of his fan's heart.

Through him all fans were made. He attacted people with all kinds of talents. He captivated all these people's creative minds. They write beautiful poets, heartwarming articles, make MVs, musics, create pictures, drawings, and some even write fictions.

Knowing me for a while, you won't be surprised that this is a new thing I learned after knowing BYJ - it's called fanfics. These fanfics were written based on the stories or charaters from BYJ's dramas. Some fanfics are almost like recorded scripts of the drama, with the author's interpretation and description of the charaters inner thoughts; some fanfics are continuation of the drama, expressing author's hope of the main charaters sweet future; some are fictions based on the charaters from some of Bae dramas, but the story can be compeletely new. Fanfic's authors favorite dramas are mostly Hotelier, Winter Sonata, Have We Really Loved?, First Love and Barefoot Youth, April Snow, etc. I found that the most inspiring Bae drama is Hotelier, the most inspiring charater is Frank Shin. There are way more fanfics based on Frank Shin than any other of Bae dramas. My most favorite one is called "This Very Night". The author's name is Jenny Lin, from the conversation I read in her postings, she seems to live in Swizerland with her older brother's family. Single and working. Writing fictions is her passion. She wrote in Chinese, might be a girl from Hong Kong. Her master of Chinese language is superb. Reading her novel, I would say from time to time I am thankful to have learned this language and be able to appreciate her writings. I am sure there are better writers than her, but just like what I feel towards yoon joon, that's how I feel towards her, special!

I have been thinking of re-posting all 46 chapters of her original writings here in my blog, that is how passionate I am to her writings. But I decided to just post the links of this fanfic, for I also love to post its English translation which was nicely done by happiebb. Thanks bb, great job! There are 46 CHAPTERS! bb, 辛苦啦! I believe this fanfic has been translated into Japenese as well, by AnnaMaria. Talking about talents attacted by Mr. Bae, we can never forget these folks who voluteer to translate, think about all the work they put in. And not to forget those people who create and maintain the Bae sites. Now "This Very Night" is one of the most favorite fanfics Bae fans have encountered. If you have not read it, don't miss it. Here I am including it's Traditional Chinese version, which is its original version posted on dreamyj.com, Simplified Chinese version re-posted on Baidu.com, and its English version posted in hotelier2002.com.

Why is this my most favorite fanfic, and the most favorite fanfics of so many other BYJ fans? Can you share your thoughts after you read it? To me I think one major reason is the author's master of the language. The other main reason is the storyline. Most importantly the underlying reason I think is the love the author depicted in this fiction satisfied the dreams of all its fans - to be loved the way how Frank Shin loves Jinyoung, endless yearnings, kisses, admirations, adorations, by a cold and powerful man Frank Shin, and she is his one and only lover, no interests in anyone else. The whole fiction is sexually appealing, but no sex is involved, which makes it more fascinating - just like wuri yong joon, huh? ( ^_^ * blush blush *)

This fanfic has 46 chapters so far, not sure if it is completed, from the read of Jenny's coversation in www.dreamyj.com, she is still working on it, but the 46th chapter came in about a year plus after the posting of chapter 45. Chapter 46 was posted around October of 2005. Don't know when the next chapter will come in. Crossing my fingers ... patiently. Pray that Jenny is still healthy, happy, and inspired.