Monday, August 21, 2006

(Translation) 马奈 (一)

A daunting move, tried to translate Jaime's Manet installment - the first of the series.

亲爱的姐妹们 ......夏天过得好吗? 有一阵没有发帖了, 想来我和我的家人们悠然地享受着这美丽而炎热的夏季. 希望这篇文章能为大家提提神……

近来我在研究法国印象派画家爱徳华.马奈的一系列插图书信的稀世珍藏品. 当我细读每篇插图时, 我的心便洋溢着无法形容的喜悦和温馨的情感. 这些信件所处的境况,使我联想起我们同亲爱的勇俊的关系. 我想邀请你同我一起, 借助于马奈的予人美感的美术作品, 让我们来漫步”超凡魅力的勇俊”的浪漫旅程.

马奈对精致和典雅有着真诚的赞美.这是他的个性的一个方面.这从他有鉴赏力的服饰, 他的举止, 恳挚谦恭和才智可以明显地表现出来. 他有许多倾慕于他的女性朋友, 而他则以优美的书信对她们的爱慕作以回报. 信文通常是简要地谈论关于时尚,艺术,社交和人际关系等话题,但是与花卉水彩画相得益彰,洋溢着一种热情和真挚的情调.这些装饰信文的花卉中有花园玫瑰和石南玫瑰,康乃馨,长春花,花色的轻盈及与文章的交织方式有一种特殊的美.这些信件给女性收信人们带来无尽的乐趣和温柔的感觉,也成为十九世纪艺术风雅中最有抒情诗情调的书页.

我忍不住将马奈和他的女性仰慕者的关系,及我们亲爱的勇俊同我们(影迷)的关系做相应的对照.这么多年来, 有无数发给勇俊的讯息,它们以不同的形式,如文章,艺术品,音乐,视频,有不同的风格和主题,有充满感情的,浪漫的,强有力的,或是幽默的,所有的作者都下意识地渴望我们王子的回复.有时我们收到他的图片,展现出他最迷人和端庄的时尚 --- 我们充满感激地欣赏这些照片,就好象是他给我们的珍贵回报. 亲爱的姐妹们,在此我尝试着对这两个给人感官享受的主题 – 勇俊和马奈的插图作品,做一呼应对照. 让我们来想象这就是我们的王子对我们每一个人的回应吧!






我从马奈的收藏品中选出了15幅精美的插图与你共享.如果你喜欢,我希望将来分不同组贴出,我尝试着从上千张勇俊的图片中找出与每幅作品的情调呼应的(或反过来也一样). 希望你喜爱这马奈系列的第一篇.


1. 感谢bb提供的丰富的图片.
2. 感谢liezle建议的图片网站

3. 马奈 静物画, George Mauner, 美国艺术联合会, 2000
4. 印象派艺术, 休闲与巴黎社会, Robert L. Herbert, 耶鲁大学出版, New Haven & London. 1988
5. 印象派和后印象派, James N. Wood, 芝加哥艺术学院. 2000
6. 印象派,Belinda Thomson and Michael Howard, Bison Books Corp. 1988


bbmag said...

whoa... not exactly an easy one to tackle... thanks for doing this, and thanks for posting it on :)

mrs a said...

Hi Heippieh!

Hope you are well and doing fine.

I can't tell you how much you, bb and others are appreciated for all your hard work in doing the endless countless hours doing translations! How generous of you all. Shows what a kind person and good heart you have. THANKS!


ps i love him in white, I believe that is my favorite color anymore on him.

Anonymous said...

Wowow h, you write so well!

The beautiful words that you used to describe Manet and Yong Joon are way beyond my imagination. Like bb said, I don't think my articles are easy to translate (not to say my writing is any good at all). My previous ones are quite 'American' colloquial, the humour may not get through in another language. But your interpretation and translation is actually funnier than my original. For this Manet piece, you have transcended the elegance and tranquility that I want to convey to the readers. I love reading your translation over and over.

I am so blessed to have a friend like you who always surprise me with such sweet and caring acts.
How can I thank you!

HeippieH said...

Hey bb, Mrs.A and Jaime, don't spoil me, I feel embarassed. I just did word to word translation, and I used dictionary for almost every word. How could I come up with such a beautiful piece if it were not because the original content was so great! The process of translating such beautiful writing nurished my heart, plus, I got to study those pictures of charismatic YJ and the sensuous paintings next to it in more detail, it is even more nurishing for my eyes and spirits. :-) well, if you gals want to thank me, how about write more, just don't write too fast :-)

As always, thanks for your encouragement.