If you know BYJ well enough, you should know about his fans well enough and be impressed with them. Undoubtly, you learned about BYJ through his fans' works and you fell in love with BYJ more or less the same time you fell in love with his fans. I am about to say, without his fans, I won't be here writing, you won't be here reading his fans' blogs, and you won't be loving him for this long. We are here for each other, for a reason - for love of LOVE. For love of this man's beauty, for love of this man's virtue, for love of ourselves, for love of his fan's heart.
Through him all fans were made. He attacted people with all kinds of talents. He captivated all these people's creative minds. They write beautiful poets, heartwarming articles, make MVs, musics, create pictures, drawings, and some even write fictions.
Knowing me for a while, you won't be surprised that this is a new thing I learned after knowing BYJ - it's called fanfics. These fanfics were written based on the stories or charaters from BYJ's dramas. Some fanfics are almost like recorded scripts of the drama, with the author's interpretation and description of the charaters inner thoughts; some fanfics are continuation of the drama, expressing author's hope of the main charaters sweet future; some are fictions based on the charaters from some of Bae dramas, but the story can be compeletely new. Fanfic's authors favorite dramas are mostly Hotelier, Winter Sonata, Have We Really Loved?, First Love and Barefoot Youth, April Snow, etc. I found that the most inspiring Bae drama is Hotelier, the most inspiring charater is Frank Shin. There are way more fanfics based on Frank Shin than any other of Bae dramas. My most favorite one is called "This Very Night". The author's name is Jenny Lin, from the conversation I read in her postings, she seems to live in Swizerland with her older brother's family. Single and working. Writing fictions is her passion. She wrote in Chinese, might be a girl from Hong Kong. Her master of Chinese language is superb. Reading her novel, I would say from time to time I am thankful to have learned this language and be able to appreciate her writings. I am sure there are better writers than her, but just like what I feel towards yoon joon, that's how I feel towards her, special!
I have been thinking of re-posting all 46 chapters of her original writings here in my blog, that is how passionate I am to her writings. But I decided to just post the links of this fanfic, for I also love to post its English translation which was nicely done by happiebb. Thanks bb, great job! There are 46 CHAPTERS! bb, 辛苦啦! I believe this fanfic has been translated into Japenese as well, by AnnaMaria. Talking about talents attacted by Mr. Bae, we can never forget these folks who voluteer to translate, think about all the work they put in. And not to forget those people who create and maintain the Bae sites. Now "This Very Night" is one of the most favorite fanfics Bae fans have encountered. If you have not read it, don't miss it. Here I am including it's Traditional Chinese version, which is its original version posted on dreamyj.com, Simplified Chinese version re-posted on Baidu.com, and its English version posted in hotelier2002.com.
Why is this my most favorite fanfic, and the most favorite fanfics of so many other BYJ fans? Can you share your thoughts after you read it? To me I think one major reason is the author's master of the language. The other main reason is the storyline. Most importantly the underlying reason I think is the love the author depicted in this fiction satisfied the dreams of all its fans - to be loved the way how Frank Shin loves Jinyoung, endless yearnings, kisses, admirations, adorations, by a cold and powerful man Frank Shin, and she is his one and only lover, no interests in anyone else. The whole fiction is sexually appealing, but no sex is involved, which makes it more fascinating - just like wuri yong joon, huh? ( ^_^ * blush blush *)
This fanfic has 46 chapters so far, not sure if it is completed, from the read of Jenny's coversation in www.dreamyj.com, she is still working on it, but the 46th chapter came in about a year plus after the posting of chapter 45. Chapter 46 was posted around October of 2005. Don't know when the next chapter will come in. Crossing my fingers ... patiently. Pray that Jenny is still healthy, happy, and inspired.
Dear h,
I'm glad that you've read "this very night". This is the first fanfic I read, recommended by Camille. I love the English version cause I find it very easy to read and it flows so well. Of course I love bb's writings and the readers' comments as they always asked her for more chapters!
I'm sure the Chinese version is good too, but unfortunately I encountered a tough time studying word by word, sigh!
Dear Jaime, I've read this fanfic Chinese version at least 3 times and read bb's English translation too. It comes very close to YJ's works - I can repeatedly review it without feeling bored - that is how much I like it. The original Chinese version is very powerful and beautiful. I don't know how to describe it and I don't know how to write as beautiful as the author, as long as I can appreciate it, I am happy. Thank God there is people like bb who can translate it into English so well.
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