Friday, February 09, 2007

Translation - 感性勇俊 – 影相艺术系列(二)

亲爱的姐妹们 ...

去年在完成了我的第一篇关于古典植物扎记的影相艺术系列之后, 我开始对这位相对来说不大知名的摄影师感到好奇.令我惊喜的是,她出版的下一部关于氰版照相法的书又不负众望.

被这种古典照相印刷艺术所吸引,摄影师塞娃.欧邦慕引领我们进入了一个丰富绚丽,变幻无穷的蓝色世界, 巧妙地以现代艺术形式将她的影像装饰起来.

从深奥神秘的午夜星空,到轻亮透明流淌的小溪, 我总是被那蓝色频谱平静的美所迷惑.从天鹅绒般浓厚的靛青蓝,凉爽的热带水绿蓝,到奢华闪烁的银泽蓝,这些幽雅的图案散发出温柔,忧郁,孤独,,甚至是诱惑的情感.

通过这有着幽雅色彩的精髓,所有多余的细节都被解除,只留下最本征的影象轮廓,这种艺术为我们奉献出图象的精华. 我们便可以对这些形态的相互感应作出自由的释译 无论是图案,动作或是生活本身.


这首七十年代的著名器乐曲Samba Pa Ti”,传奇演奏家卡罗丝.桑塔纳带我进入了我们勇俊王子感伤的梦幻世界.能够探究他高雅的形体和感的举止的方方面面是多么的令人愉快.能够将他的现代风格和神秘情感与他天堂般优美的侧面影象结合起来是多么的令人满足.通过这篇作品的创作过程我对这位非凡人物的赞美和热爱又加深了一层.我喜爱将我对勇俊无限的热情与你们共享,希望你们欣赏我们氰版照相法中的感王子.


* 氰版照相法是一种古老的单色照相印刷工艺. 它所用的化学配方是由英国的天文学家约翰.赫谢尔爵士于1842年发明的.在摄影术发明之后三年, 这项发明诞生了,它为复制大型工程制图和运算提供了有效的方法. 这种印刷术产生的效果是以青蓝色为背景,图象具有白色的轮廓,就是众所周知的蓝图.

** 卡罗丝. 桑塔纳演奏的Samba Pa Ti”.


鸣谢 :

谢谢你亲爱的Jill姐妹, 热心地为我上传音乐.


1. 影中花 一位摄影家重现维多利亚时期的植物札记, 塞娃.欧邦慕(Zeva Oelbaum), 瑞左礼(Rizzoli)国际出版社, 2002

2. 蓝图 氰版摄影手法中的自然世界, 塞娃.欧邦慕(Zeva Oelbaum), 瑞左礼(Rizzoli)国际出版社, 2002


Anonymous said...

my dear h,

thank you so much for your translation. it's so beautiful and i'm really touched. i wish i have that kind of knowledge in the chinese language. what amazes me is how do you translate those names and terms? are there any standards to follow? I remember I saw a TV documentary about chinese newspaper editing many years ago and they talked about there are sets of standard words that they referred to during translation.

thanks for everything and love & hugs! ..... jaime

HeippieH said...

Hi Dear Jaime,

Glad you like it. It's a pleasure to translate your beautiful writing, esp. with our sensual yong joon decorated with exquisite blue hue and shade. I would never be able to come up with these ravishing descriptions. It is intellectually stimulating. So keep the great work coming, keep us educated while enjoying and loving yong joon and each other.

Glad you tell me there is a tool to translate the English names and terms into Chinese. I wish I had one. Each time I see these names, I scratch my head on how to translate them, sometimes I just got frustrated, or as you suggested, ended up using the original English/Spanish names. I knew in the old days of China, they translated EVERYTHING into Chinese charaters, so our text book has NO single charaters other than Chinese. That's how I got the impression that I have to translate all alphabets into Chinese. But now I guess China is opening up, people can accept more English words and names. Pretty soon we don't need to translate, everyone can just enjoy your original works.

Then my goal is to learn Korean. :-) I want to understand our prince's words.

Love ...

Anonymous said...

right on h, i hope to learn korean too. just so I can listen to what he says. i am hopeful there will some classroon courses like that soon in my area.

I just need to listen, not talking, reading or writing, so maybe it's not a bad idea to start w/ just listening to some instructional audio tapes. My nephew shows me some Japanese lessons that you can listen to while driving. i'm sure there is korean too, interested?

HeippieH said...

oh yah! will put it into action. listening while driving is very good idea. bablefish can somewhat translate his writings, but no tool can translating his speaking. we have to learn it. work hard! let's encourage and help each other. ^_^