Friday, December 15, 2006

Translation - 经典勇俊 – 影相艺术系列(一)

It comes in a bit late, I have been working on this a bit a day, enjoying every bit of it, the only problem is I have not learned how to post the music properly. Jaime picked a sentimental song to go along with these beautiful artworks and wonderful writings, I am sorry I could not make it to work. Hopefully one day I can learn to fix it. Until then, just imagine that nostalgia song 'Interlude" sung by Morrissey & Siouxsie.

Here is what I found on Quilt JaimeZ's Vintage BYJ I posting, the orginal "Interlude" version by Timi Yuro (1968), I love her voice too.

This link used to work, but if it does not work now, here is the lyrics, it seems was written just for YJ and for us.

Performed by Timi Yuro

*Time is like a dream
And now for a time you are mine
Let's hold fast to the dream
That tastes and sparkles like wine

Who knows if it's real
Or just something we're both dreaming of
What seems like an interlude now
Could be the beginning of love
Loving you is a world that's strange
So much more than my heart can hold
Loving you makes the whole world change
Loving you I could not grow old
No, nobody knows when love will end
So till then, sweet friend

(Repeat *)

Thanks to Jaime that I learned about Timi Yuro since I loved her voice a lot. Here is what I found about her on the web.

In this article the author also mentioned that "In 1994 Morrissey and Siouxsie made the UK Top 30 with a revival of 'Interlude'. ". Morrissey and Siouxsie's Interlude version is what Jaime had shared with us in her article, unfortunately I have yet to learn how to get it to play here. It's anoter thing I shall learn.

Now since we never stop learning, let me share with you what I found on the web about Zeva Oelbaum and her work "Flowers in Shadow"



经典勇俊 影相艺术系列()

亲爱的姐妹们 …… 最近我在研究一些古典植物照片. 我被它们的典雅和简朴所深深地痴迷, 情不自禁地想同大家分享.为什么? 呵呵, 因为我在生活中遇到的每一个美丽的景象和精雅的细节都会令我想起那有着让人无法抵御的吸引力的勇俊. 希望你们喜欢这些艺术作品.

静物写生摄影家泽娃 欧邦慕(Zeva Oelbaum)在新英格兰沿海的一个海边小古董店发现了一部维多利亚时期的腊叶标本集(植物学札记). 唯一能够让我们追溯这位艺术创作者由来的线索是一条书写优美的题名” May 18, 1896, Randolph, VT” (一八九六年五月十八日,兰道夫,佛蒙特州). 这个拥有百年历史的珍宝有着黄色皱褶的羊皮纸, 用已经磨损的白缎带扎纪起来. 在一个多世纪之前, 经过一位年轻女子灵巧的双手, 这些脆弱的植物被用亚麻细线以奇妙的布局仔细地安排好. 时间也在创造着奇迹, 这些被压紧的植物在相邻的书页上形成了反射自身的影像压痕. 这部札记是实现创作欲望的一种形式, 使这位年轻姑娘在她平静的生活中沉浸于这些美丽的花卉而流连忘返.

一个世纪之后, 通过一位摄影师精妙的镜头, 这些植物的美学价值又重获新生. 运用自然光线和投影作为基衬, 这些花瓣,枝叶和羊皮纸的精细纹理在照片中光彩夺目. 摄影师的意图是以现代艺术的多彩影膜与这个古典札记微妙的美层叠交织就此产生共鸣.

也许是因那挥之不去的淡淡的怀旧情思, 亦或是对那已逝岁月的神秘情感, 或许仅仅是想到一位艺术家的创作几乎被遗忘而又被重新发现, 加之对这些精细的花瓣和脆弱的根茎能经受住时间的考验, 对它们这般彻底的耐久力, 我真的是着迷得神魂颠倒了. 同时又有一种心愿想要以此来反映出我们勇俊刚毅而文雅的两重性, 看起来这种欲望彻底地征服了我. 这个天使般俊美的王子以他真诚和高贵的吸引力轻而易举地浸入了我们的生活和我们的心灵, 在亚洲文化史上写下了精彩的一部篇章. 这些好似梦境却又是真切的现实. 世人目睹了他作为韩流运动的文化大使所承担的关键角色, 和他统一和加强亚洲艺术文化的理想. 百年之后, 他的才能和优雅会如何载入史册?对裴勇俊的美好记忆会象这个维多利亚时期的腊叶标本集一样得到保存和欣赏吗?时间会为他在历史中的地位和成就作出最好的评判. 但有一件事我可以确定, 那就是他将会永远地留在爱他的家人们的心灵中, 脑海中, 和精神中.

鸣谢 :

我衷心地感谢我们美丽的姐妹jill4byj为我创作美术作品和音乐提供了无尽的知识.谢谢你对一个无知的姐妹如此的友爱和宽厚. 这篇文章是专献给你的!

参考书目 :

1. 影中花 一位摄影家重现维多利亚时期的植物札记, 泽娃 欧邦慕(Zeva Oelbaum), 瑞左礼(Rizzoli)国际出版社, 2002

2. 蓝图 氰版摄影手法中的自然世界, 泽娃 欧邦慕(Zeva Oelbaum), 瑞左礼(Rizzoli)国际出版社, 2002


Anonymous said...

I'm speechless, my dearest h. You never cease to amaze me with your height of Chinese language. You use such beautiful and elegant words that I never knew exist! This is what I miss about Chinese literature after I stopped learning Chinese. I learn so much from you.

Please take care of yourself and your health as I know how much you put your heart and soul into translating this. My sometimes 'strange' choice of words don't help either and are enough to drive you crazy. My deepest appreciation and I love you dearly.

HeippieH said...

Dear Jaime,

You are always generous in praising us. Thank you for your help through my translation. I learned a whole lot, in English, in art, in music. I love the combination of your beautiful writing, the black/white hue of the picture with the botanical antique pages, and with the sentimental song. You are a true artist. I think our YJ should hire you as an assistant director once he becomes the movie director, you can help him picking the songs and giving advices for the shots, the lighting, the soundtrack etc.

I posted this translation on baidu

and People love your work, please keep it coming, but do remember health is the highest priority!

take care and love you!

Anonymous said...

hahaha h, you always come up with such fantastic (and impossible to fulfill) idea. His assistant director? With my spending habit, he'll have to appeal to his KeyEast shareholders for more $$ or list more shares! BUT he can save on my salary though. The only pay I ask for is to be able to squeeze into that tiny director's chair with him, hehehe ....

OK h, now please get up from the chair and run up & down the stairs 10 times before coming back and reply to my comment. I'll do the same, ok? Remember? we have to encourage each other to exercise and stay healthy! ;)

love ...... Jaime

HeippieH said...

Dear Jaime, you like the idea? I am sure you will! And you even dare to extend it into sitting into a "tiny" chair "with him"!!! How "tiny" is that chair? Can I join? Then if I can join, I am pretty sure we are going to end up squeezing together for just two of us, where is him? must have been dragged out of the chair for some more important work... or ... by other angry sisters ...

And yes, then we'll both get of the chair and get busy on exercising ... I am trying to start exercising, recently I am just working on preparing for that mentally -:), as you know that will take a while before I actually do it, hopefully starting in the new year, I'll execute my health program and get back in shape!

Getting up and down the stairs 10 times, oh no! that will be too much for me. I noticed I have to do that a lot during the weekends while I am home, no wonder I feel more tired in the weekends!