Tuesday, September 05, 2006

(Translation) 马奈 (四)

This Manet IV is a nice read ...... again! I think Jaime posted this on Quilt on his birthday, but my translation comes too late ... just think of it as extending his birthday's celebration ...

亲爱的姐妹们 ……刚过了我们亲爱的勇俊的生日, 兴奋之余,看了才女们创造的所有美好的贺信, 美术作品和视频, 我已经被彻底地征服了. 我本想将马奈的整套系列作为献给我们王子的生日礼物, 但没想到我缓慢的速度(或年龄?)占了上峰. 因此, 亲爱的勇俊的生日来也匆匆,去也匆匆, 而我却还埋头于印象流派的书堆里! (我已续借五次,对图书管理员已用尽了所有的藉口!)

万一你好奇我有多罗嗦或是想知道你还得忍耐多少这样的章节, 我很高兴地告诉你马奈系列就要在下一章结束了. 但愿到现在你还喜欢. 在这章, 我试图探究马奈的静物画, 以及它与我们王子最钟情的爱好 – 摄影艺术之间的关系 :

马奈倾心于静物画, 在他的作品中有五分之一, 至少有八十幅, 是静物画. 他坚信静物画比任何其他流派画法都要考验画家的技能,看其能否以最纯粹的形式传达主题形象. 艺术家对构图, 视角, 采光和精确度的掌握是至关重要的. 静物画的创造过程有两个方面 : 一是表现在对物体的安排中, 二是表现在绘画的过程中. 马奈将静物画归纳为”建立在另一种艺术品上的艺术”.

在近代, 这一创作过程在摄影艺术中被重现, 摄影艺术家要考虑同样的四个要素 : 构图, 视角, 采光和精确度. 我们已经听过无数次著名的摄影师和艺术指导评价勇俊怎样通过摄像镜头象梦幻奇迹一样展现他超越摄影极限的美. 他对美学有极其敏锐的感觉和对完美的追求, 我们这些家人对他的赞美和欣赏绝不是夸大其词,而是对他变幻能力的肯定和赞誉. 虽然从外表上看,为了配合每次摄影所营造的气氛,他要表现得从容轻松, 但他的工作态度却绝对是严格热切,认真专业的.每每我们的王子都要一丝不苟地以他的超高标准来检查每一幅照片的精确度和美观性. 由于他迷人的光彩在精心设计的照明灯下被摄入镜头,每一幅照片都自成一体尽善尽美. 我们因此才能受益匪浅,享受到这样精益求精的产物.

对于马奈来说, 服饰的魅力和时尚并非浅薄之事. 他对穿着的看法是多层次的 – 也就是说一个人外表的形象, 言谈举止风度, 反映了他的艺术和文学修养, 也反映了他对哲学,社交和政治的关注. 他的观点 “Il faut etre de son temps’ – 意思是 “合乎时尚是有必要的”, 表达了他现代主义的格调. 如果马奈是当今二十一世纪的摄影师,他很有可能被感召于我们王子最中意的摄影师圈内,与金太万和已故的亨利 卡迪尔-布莱森齐名. 对于单调物体与有活力的生命之间的关系,马奈有着独到的领悟.这一组画不仅是马奈这一意识的图例,而且也更进一步证实了我们王子是当今时尚的典范 :


1. 印象流派,Belinda Thomson and Michael Howard, Bison Books Corp. 1988
2. 印象派艺术, 休闲与巴黎社会, Robert L. Herbert, 耶鲁大学出版, New Haven & London. 1988
3. 印象派和后印象派, James N. Wood, 芝加哥艺术学院. 2000
4. 马奈 静物画, George Mauner, 美国艺术同盟会. 2000


Anonymous said...

dear h,

thank you for your translation again! I love the vocabularies that you used to describe Yong Joon and Manet, they're so deep and elegant. You don't use the normal easy conversational words that I know when translating this into Chinese, for that I appreciate very much.

I owe you so much and they are non-tangible like your thoughtfulness, your generosity and love, now how can I repay all these? (ok ok I know, it's corny, but I mean it!)

HeippieH said...

Hey Dear Jaime, the vacularies you used in your original Manet series are elegant, academic, formal. I tried to convey the same atmosphere in Chinese. Actually I enjoy this type of "formal" writing, easier than some humorous writings you did before, I tried to translate them, but there are some slangs in those pieces you used I can not translated well in Chinese, some I don't even know the exact meaning, and couldn't find the meanings from the dictionary. If you like this kind of translation I did, phew, I am so glad, looks like it's a good match.

I enjoy reading your analysis, learned a lot. Hubby used to love impressionist, still do, but he told me he is more into post-impressionism, he is fan of Gauguin and Van Gogh. But I think I enjoy impressionism more than Gauguin, Van Gogh is still OK. Anyway, I can not talk about art in front of you la. You don't owe me anything, just enjoy yourself.
