Two days ago I had a thought that the Bae Land seems to be quieter than before. There were not many circlations of our HRH's old pictures, not many articles discussing about his old works like WLS, Hotelier, or HWRL, not many new fan fics emerging. Obviously it was because TWSSG has been airing, all the bae fans have been busy TVanting, veohing, downloading, translating, screen capturing and thirstily reading the story and discussing about the ending of the Legend. Literally, people, or at least me, have been obsessed by our prince/king and the legend and guess what, I just realized that I missed the most important part of this whole thing - I forgot to pray for the safty of our hero, our prince, our king!
At the beginning when we heard the news that he was taking up the main role in TWSSG, and during the long time that we were anticipating the shooting of this drama, we have been praying and reminding him to be careful in those fighting scenes. But once it started airing, as the story proceeds to be more and more interesting, and our HRH grows from a carefree prince to a honorable king, as his charms are becoming stronger and stronger, our focus shifted away from concerning his safety and well-being to appreciating his beauty, his skills and the story. So now you see what had happened, the least we expected - he got severely injured!
Sorry I made it sound like it is our fault, but is it us who are expecting to see him more and more, in various styles, enjoy his smiles and outburst, enjoy his kicks and sword fighting, enjoy his flying and spinning, is it us that he is trying so hard to pay back our love?
It hurt me when I heard the words cervical spin injury and ligament torn. I do not want to see him get hurt any more. No pain should ever touch this man any more. I am settled to see him only in CFs and melodramas like Winter Sonata or Hotelier, no, not even Hotelier, in which he was hurt by that Board-Director Kim.
No more 007-like spy movies, no more marshal art movies, not even any movies that require crying, the only acceptable showings are comedy only, please! And whenever you get hurt, get the treatment immediately, you take care of your body not just for yourself now, you do it for your family around the world, you know that right?
I tend to be a forceful mother at home. I see myself setting rules for wuri yong joon again. This reminded me of a posting I made into
BYJ Official Site on June 21, 2005, when we heard that wuri yong joon was sent to the ER after shooting April Snow, caused by fatigue. I vividly remember that I wrote this emotional letter while I was at work (Sorry I broke the rule of focusing only on work while at work, but on that day, I could not help! Today I happened to be ill at home, so I am free to care for you, okay my prince!).
Here was that old message, to my surprise, it was translated into Korean and made into Newen and later on the report got posted on with English translation. 2+ years passed by, I think those rules still apply, plus the above rules I set for you when selecting your future works. Comedy, man, comedy and CFs, that is enough to please your fans than giving up your health. Thank you thank you thank you prince if you just listen to us once!
Or if you chose to be away from the screen and only take care of your business, I will still support you, remember my heart will be with you always.'8 things 'Yon-sama' BYJ should no longer do!'
[Newsen]6/21/05 09:54

No more smoking, no work over 10 hours a day, no more smiling even when he
is tired....
As the news that BYJ was hospitalized due to exhaustion was reported all
at once on 20, the visits by fans who feel sorry about this are pouring
in like surf in homepages in Korea and Japan.
Numerous BYJ's fan, 'Family' are reporting BYJ's health state which is
reported by media one after another, and praying for his quick recovery.
In particular, on teh bulletin board of BYJ's Korean homepage, a fan who
appears to be a Japanere fan introduced herself as 'h' and posted 8
things 'Yon-sama' BYJ should not do from now on with the title of
'No. YJ ssi, NO MORE!', getting atention.
This fan opened her writing by saying "You are so young, only 33" &
"You should be healthier and happier." Continuing on, this fan said
"For the 'Family'(BYJ fans) in entire world, I felt responsibility
of creating several rules," and introduced 'No more' in 8 items.
According to it, the first do not smoke cigarrete any more, the
second is not to work more than 10 hours a day, the third is not
to sleep any less than 7~8 hours a day, the fourth is not to drink
alcohol too much, the fifth is not to lose weight any more and to
gain weight a little, the sixth is not to be any more perfect than
this, teh seventh is as there is nothing other than health that
gives joy to fans, no matter he smiles or cries, do no longer make
efforts to smile 'Yon-sama smile' even when he is tired. And as
the last, eighth one, she 'asked' that he should not go to ER in
a hospital like this time because that is exactly an event which
stops hearts of his 'Family' and shake the world.
On the other hand, the media in Japan including Sports Nippon, etc.,
also the news about BYJ's hospitalization in detail on 20 and reported
recent last shooting of the film 'Oe Chool(April Snow)' and dififcult
BOF, BYJ's agency, told in the morning on 21, "He got better a lot.
He ate and is taking a rest with comfortable heart ," and "He is thankful
for his fans' worries." Also the BOF added, "Whether he is going to be
discharged or not have not been decided yet."
Reported by Choi Yoonjeong,,,
copyrightⓒ NewsenPublish Post
Copyright by Daum Communications Corp. | Copyright by Newsen
The original message on
4 No! YJ ssi, NO MORE! [20] h 2005.06.21 313
Dear YJ ssi,
I can't stop thinking about you. You are so young, only 33. You should be healthier and happier. I think I am responsible to set some rules for you so that your family around the world will be at rest.
No more smoking. No more working over 10 hours a day. No more sleeping less than 7-8 hours a day. No more drinking too much alcohol. No more weight loss program - only build your body up, gain some weight, you look younger if you are chubbier. No more harsh to yourself - allow yourself not being perfect. We love you no matter what! No more forcing yourself to smile to people if you are tired - you give people joy when you are healthy, it does not matter if you smile, or cry, or just want to be alone. No more emergency to the hospital - the world shakes when you family's heart sink. No! Please! No More!
God bless you! Get better! Stay well!
| |
 | ki yo mi |  | Dear h I really agree with you We can't bear up under misfortune of him,,,,,,Right ? Do we have to bear up ? NO NO MORE !! |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | h |  | Dear kiyomi,
Are you still up late at night? I know you are worried. I was shocked this morning when I read this sad news. I am still upset. I am very very very worried. I think our YJ should learn from this, he needs to learn to take care of himself first. He always takes care of other people and forget about himself. This is not allowed to happen any more! How can we get him to start caring for himself? No one is actually physically beside him everyday to remind him. Poor YJ, I hope he can have some quiet time for himself and refresh himself with more energy.
And you need to have some sleep as well. |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | meeho |  | Very true h, I'm a new member from Egypt and was devastated to hear about such a young man collapsing despite all the health programmes he follows. It's inner equilibrium that he urgently needs. Giving too much a taking too little is not a well-balanced pattern of life. God Bless him and Grant him the strength and wisdom to treat himself fairly. |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | h |  | Dear meeho, it is very nice meeting you. I am a relatively new member too. Welcome to the what I called the "circle of love". Hope our prayers will reach him. I am sure they will.
p.s. I was thinking to have a rule for him to have "No more single life", because I truly believe he needs a wife to care for him. But I am afraid the fans will beat me or kill me if I said that. But you know, with true love, I think marrying a gentle loving wife will definitely be good for him both physically and mentally. I am prepared to be persecuted but I need to tell the truth. With much love! |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | Medove |  | Dear H. I agree with you BUT!!! If only he would listen... I say let's make a demonstration... NO MORE... NO MORE... NO MORE hhahahaha may be then he'd listen:-) |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | h |  | Dear Medove, the demonstration is a fine idea to me! :-) :-) :-) Sometimes only protest will work. We have to be louder and noisier to make him hear our plead. Because he is a stubborn man, isn't he? He insists on making his family happy before considering himself. He insists on being a perfect man with all these sacrifices. So we are saying NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE pressure to yourself! Be easy to yourself !! Be nice to yourself !!! Treat yourself right, NO MORE sad news to your family around the world. Please, PLease, PLEase, PLEAse, PLEASe, PLEASE !!! |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | byjbb |  | Hi H, your rules are good reminder to YJ, but I don't think it will be much help because he is a man that sets very high standard for himself. He continuously pushes himself to surplus what he did before to reach his potential. This is evident from the improvement on his various acting roles in the past 10 years. In addition to this, he is also very concerned about people around him eg staff and familes around the world. His shoulders must be very heavier with all the responsibilities & expectations he put on himself. He must be very tried, mentally and physically because he is a perfectionist. I don't know if he would ever changed, otherwise he just would not be the YJ we loved. I do wish though that he will because his health is the number 1 concern of us. We love him as he is !
YJ - you have to learn to love yourself a bit more .... we love you and suppot you always ....
Your family from Toronto, Canada. |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | h |  | Dear byjbb, I have been sighing through all the time reading your notes. Can you say more? Can I say more? No, it is very clear, we all knew this, that this is very true, being YJ as a perfectionist is how it made him being who he is today. But can we just ask him to be a little bit easier to himself so that he stays healthy? He is killing himself !!! If the price of being a perfect actor is to ruin our YJ's health, if the price of being a smiling star in front of his fans eyes is to ruin our YJ's health, I would rather him being selfish a bit, being rude a bit, being imperfect a bit ... Yeah, I know it won't happen. That's why he won our love.
May God be with him always. May his guardian angel be watching him always. |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | namisomu |  | 베욘즐씨, 안녕하세요. NO MORE! (은)는 욘 쥰씨에게 있어 어려운 일(뿐)만이군요. 일이 시작되면(자) 어쨌든 노력해 버리는 성격인거야. 스스로 멈출 수 없다···주위가 세워도 (듣)묻지 않는다···모두의 싶은··(와)과 노력하는 욘 쥰씨. 매우 좋아합니다. 그렇지만 부탁입니다. 욘 쥰씨가 건강하고 행복하다라고 하는 것이 우리의 행복합니다. 그러니까 부탁해요, NO MORE···그리고, 확실히 먹어 확실히 자 주세요···몸조리를 잘하세요··· |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | h |  | Dear namisomu, I am terribly sorry that I am not ready to read Korean. I would love to understand you and YJ's language. Can you help me to translate it into English ? Thanks a bunch! With much love... |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | 가을산 |  | Dear h, let me notify you that your letter has been introduced in an article of internet news named "뉴스엔 News -n. The article is posted here on #19396 |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | cyndy |  | Hi, h, I was shock & felft awful when I heard this bad news. I do hope that after this incident, for his own health & his family, YJ will do the "No more" rules of yours. I also hope he can be a little less perfect, more selfish & being rude a bit as you said...we love him no matter what !
YJ, please do take good care of yourself . And I hope you get well soon ....God be with you ! |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | delinnia |  | Dear h, I have no idea how did I miss this precious posting of yours. I was a bit down so I retired early yesterday. I love your rulings including the most important one 'the ninth ruling'. I fully support you, dear'h'. Thanks for the beautiful thoughts. |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | h |  | Dear gaulsan, thank you very much again for laboring on translating for us. You are always helpful. Love you! I have been terribly worried about YJ's health condition. I am afraid I sounded rude to set rules for YJ but what else can I do from here in US? I hope one day YJ can live a simple, ordinary, quiet, peaceful life.
|  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | h |  | Hi cyndy, nice meeting you. The love of YJ bring us here to love each other. This is the time he needs the spritual support. Love. |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | h |  | Hi cyndy, nice meeting you. The love of YJ bring us here to love each other. This is the time he needs the spritual support. Love. |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | h |  | Dear delinnia, thank God you are not going to blame me on that! I am amazed by YJ's fans/family members that have the sweet pure love for him! Thank you for your support! You need to get better so you have the strength to cheer up YJ. Love. |  | 2005.06.21 |  | |
 | joan |  | Yes, Yong Joon more shocking news from you like this one....please please take care a family....we all care about you and love you ....We all stand by you no matter what....thanks h...for all these "NO MORE " rules.... |  | 2005.06.23 |  | |
 | h |  | Dear joan, love to see you here. Is this our first time? I am new too. Take care. |  | 2005.06.23 |  | |
I'm BYJ fan. I'm a not Korean, but my korean friends told me that, in Korea they cconsider Lee Yong Ae and Jang Dong Gun as national treasures. They're both awarded Best Actor/Actress awards in the Blue Dragon Film Festival. CNN talk Asia did an interview on Jang Dong Gun and ABC broadcasting in America will air a special program on him as well. JDG does movie. I'm into drama not movie, so I don't know how good he is as an actor. But I watched one of Lee Young Ae's 'Dae Jang Geum", and she was good. Anyway, yeah that's the subject of national treasure.