Monday, March 31, 2008

Beijing Morning Post 03-31-2008: 姜在豪:埋葬在裴勇俊的1999年

Sapphire pointed to us another article from Beijing Morning Post dated 2008-03-31. It's about BYJ's Have We Really Loved, my favorite drama. Here is the original post.





《我们真的爱过吗?》中的姜在豪,出身贫寒但很自尊,白天读书,晚上去蟹行辛苦工作(像咱们的海鲜摊贩),只是想把自己和妹妹弄得体面点儿。但这样的生活 让他觉得很累,所以他想追求到一个富人家的千金,好让以后的日子不这么辛苦。他的想法卑微得令人心酸——车是二手车,名牌表是水货。但裴勇俊赋予了这个角 色高贵的气质,即使在被富家女友识破了贫穷的真相时也让人不觉得他可怜委琐,反而感慨人生对他真是不公啊!


当在豪被朋友害得失去了辛苦多年攒下的生计,最疼的妹妹也不理解他,满腹伤心无处诉说时,他只能去找自己默默爱恋的女教师信英。在校园里的一处台阶上,他 低声对信英说:“给我一杯茶吧。”那一刻,姜在豪,或者说裴勇俊,像一个受尽委屈的小男孩终于来到了妈妈面前,脆弱、无辜又透着隐忍着的自尊和不自觉的爱 情。戏中的苦难和裴勇俊的表演皆如静水深流,看似波澜不惊,却有让人窒息的疼痛,无声而惊心。

喜欢看裴勇俊演《冬季恋歌》的李民亨、 《情定大饭店》的申东贤,但那都是混出头的人了,他们的苦难和失意都是戏。你知道是一场戏。坐在台下看人演上吊,哭肿了双眼,心里依然可以有迷离婉转的音 乐。可是在豪无论怎么痛苦挣扎,却总像在那一束舞台追光照不到的地方。你看见他身上覆盖着真实的暗影,最终以死亡留下一摊难以收拾的破碎,想起的全是自己 真正有过的困窘和伤心。



1999 年,裴勇俊以辞演KBS的《纸鸢》为代价,执意出演这部戏,渴望在演技上有真正的突破,为此他遭到了KBS长达三年的封杀。适逢韩国经济萧条,这部沉郁的 悲剧,如今在裴勇俊的影迷中仍被公认为极具艺术价值和思想深度的代表作,在当时却收视低迷。此后裴勇俊在韩国演艺圈消失两年……























Sunday, March 23, 2008

Translation: Fairy I - Purity :: 童话 (一) - 纯洁

You must have read Jaime's recent writing about fairy tale and BYJ. Following her Manet series and Photographic Art series, here comes her fairy tale series. Beautiful!!! I can't resist to translate it into Chinese.

童话 (一) - 纯洁

还记得小的时候在妈妈怀中听妈妈唱着摇篮曲或是讲着童话故事,你慢慢地进入梦乡?我们幼小的脑海中洋溢着公主,仙女教母,美丽的女孩和奇妙的魔术.有趣的 是,无论我们在世界的哪个角落, 不知怎么我们都会听到象Cinderella, 白雪公主,睡美人这类同样的故事. 童话故事真的已经成为我们成长过程 中珍贵的一部分,不是吗?


随着时间的流逝, 我们的心灵渐渐地被现实生活的琐事和艰辛所缠绕.我们再没有时间给美梦和幻想,因为我们会忙于满足我们的物质需求和社会义务. 很多姐 妹们都感到在发现了裴勇俊之后,我们迷失已久的纯真与梦想又再次苏醒.这里我想尝试从童话幻想的角度来探索裴勇俊现象.


始自神话学,童话(仙境)象征一种使人着魔或是进入心荡神怡的状态,一种使人进入梦幻的力量,一种能给人带来祝福的人所具有的能力.在布里塔尼半岛(现法 国西北部), 冰岛,和斯坎地那维亚这些大部分自然美景还没有被损坏的地区,人们依然保持着相信童话传说的热情.童话的存在浸透着对第四维空间的向往,使 人从物质定律所限定的时间和空间中解放出来. 结合于万物有灵论, 一种人为花草,树木,湖泊,山脉和水晶都赋有灵魂的信仰, 童话景观在这些自然能量高度聚集的地区显现这样的话语在悄然蔓延.


童 话以她迷人的美丽,快乐,感召,幽默和调皮而著称.她将现实萦绕上一层虚幻,重建一个人类和童话共存的王国. 如果我们留心放慢脚步,启用我们所有的感 官,要么欣赏花瓣上滴下的露珠,要么呼吸熏衣草园飘来的阵阵花香,或是聆听花园中落日彩霞的细语.我们又会对童话的美妙和神秘所痴迷 --- 就象一线涟漪,一屡轻风,或是一片未经侵扰的静谧.童话唤起我们天赋的智慧和纯洁,令我们的灵魂同自然产生共鸣.


我的愿望就是将清纯的勇俊同美丽无邪的童话世界联系在一起. 我们迷人王子散发的纯洁品质,渗透着他的青春活力,纯正无邪,交织着他的高贵和真诚,使他的美光芒四射.让他再次成为我们窥入梦幻奇妙王国的窗口.


1. A Complete Guide to Faeries & Magical Beings,
Cassandra Eason, Judy Piatkus (Publishers) Ltd., 2001
2. Faeries, Brian Froud and Alan Lee, Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Publishers,
New York, 1978
3. The Book of Faeries, Francis Melville, Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 2002
4. The Little People - Stories of Fairies, Pixies, and other Small Folk, Neil Philip, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 2002
5. The World of Fairies, Gossamer Penwyche, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, New York, 2001


1. 谢谢亲爱的jillie姐姐上传音乐.
2. 有些图片借用了
Korachan 和 Amadienne 的艺术创作.请允许我在这里感谢你们.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Study Notes: BYJ Classics - Scenes::Love Story

It's this Bae-ry quiet period again. And we don't know how long it will be. Every Bae sister's patience, endurance and elegant neck are growing stronger and longer. Fumi-san just wrote an article on JOB describing this scenario - all eyes are on BYJ's any tiny move. Where is he? What is he doing now? What is his next project? Every other day, there comes news about him visiting Gorilla, or beauty salon, or he has cut his hair (then maybe not), or he is going to perform in this movie or that drama... As eager as we can be, we found ourselves back to the old familiar routines - repeatedly watching his DVDs, relearning his personality through his past interviews and fan articles, circulating his news and VOD/photos, the lucky Korean and Japanese fans can even dine out in his restaurants, or attend his concerts, watching his dramas together in the theaters. Desperation is the mother of creativity. Here is one more thing that we can do to decipher him through his recent product offerings - BYJ Classics The Scenes.

Two years after his first offering to his fan-family the first series of his favorite classical music collections - BYJ Classics Hero 34 (released when he was 34 years old), now we are in the spring of 2008. What do we get this year? Not "BYJ Classics **** 36", but the "BYJ Classics The Scenes". A bit Surprised first, but think twice, it makes so much sense. Being a professional in drama making field, AND a music lover, is it fair to think that combining the classical drama scenes and music masterpieces into a series of music albums offers a perfect vehicle to communicate part of his inner world to us.

As we recall from the Dong-gam (Sympathy) Vol. II album, BYJ represents "Love",
see Dong-gam(Symapathy) vol. 2 Making film:

It seems so natural that in this music series, one of the four themes shall be about love - Love Story. So let's start from this album first.

Thanks to flowerbossa, I got the movie/music list of the CD from her recent posting for
Love Story. Let's see what movies and musics HRH likes and perhaps recommends to us.

1. Dvorak's Symphony No.9 "From the New World" (from the film “Clear and Present Danger”)
I don't seem to fine the theme "love" in this movie summary. Guess I need to watch the movie to find the "Love Story".

Movie : Clear and Present Danger (1994)

Wikepedia Info:

IMDb Profile:

Smart, tight, utterly convincing and believable and well executed, this is that rare brainy "action" film that does get you involved and hanging on the edge of your seat.

Music: Dvorak's Symphony No.9 "From the New World"

Youtube: Dvorak - Symphony No. 9 "From the New World" - 4th movement

Marvelous!!! One of my favorite symphonies!

2. Puccini's 'Turandot, Nessun Dorma' (from “The Killing Fields”)

There! At least I see the word "love" in Dith Pran's journal when he was imprisoned.

Movie: The Killing Fields (1984)

Wikipedia Info:

IMDb Profile:

A great movie, of an awful moment in human history. If we have any chance of overcoming man's sorry past, it will be because movies like this one get made once in a while.
Dith Pran: [in his journal while imprisoned] The wind whispers of fear and hate. The war has killed love. And those that confess to the Angka are punished, and no one dare ask where they go. Here, only the silent survive.

Puccini's Turandot, Nessun Dorma

Youtube: Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma - Turandot, Puccini

Breathtaking!!! Of course, one of my favorite opera songs!

3. Beethoven's 'Piano concerto No.5, Emperor'. (from “Immortal Beloved”)

Movie: Immortal Beloved (1994)

Wikipedia Info:

IMDb Profile:

"The music is wonderful here and tries to explain the emotions behind the man."

Music: Beethoven Cencerto No. 5, Emperor

Youtube : Beethoven: Concerto 5 movt. 3 (by Claudio Arrau, never before published)
Claudio Arrau is one of the best Beethoven performers.

Mitsuko Uchida is also one of my favorite pianist, want to compare her performance on this movement?

Now since you are looking at Mitsuko Uchida and piano concertos, please please please watch this clip, one of my favorite favorite favorite piano concertos, my son is haunted by this piece too! It's Mozart Piano Concerto No. 20. Just recently I found out that this is widely rated as the No. 1 of 100 greated piano concertos in history. No wonder!

1st movement part 1:
1st movement part 2:
2nd movement
3rd movement

Uchida is usually rated as one of the best Mozart piano performers. The reviews said she plays Mozart the best, but lesser on Beethoven pieces. To me she is good enough.

4. J.S. Bach’s Harpsichord Concerto in D Major (from “Love Story”)

Movie: Love Story (1970)

Wikipedia Info:

IMDB Profile:

The music was also terrific in this movie. I think it's, beside the acting, one of the most important points to make this movie timeless."

J.S. Bach’s Harpsichord Concerto in D Major

Youtube :
Bach - Concerto No. 3 in D Major for harpsichord (BWV 1054)

5. Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No.2 (from “Brief Encounter”)
Movie: Brief Encounter (1945)

Wikipedia Info:


"Brief Encounter" is the perfect encapsulation of a very specific time in both women's and British history.

How about just leave it like that and you can figure out the rest of the "Love Story". Watch this line, I love it!

"See this film to witness how it was once possible to make films about love without bedroom scenes. "

Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No.2

Youtube: Rachmaninov piano concerto No.2 by Weissenberg & Karajan

Part 1:

Part 2:

Such a touching piece! Rachmaninov is so talented isn't he? Karajan was the conductor. Pianist Alexis Weissenberg did a great job!

6. Barber's "Adagio for Strings" (from “Amelie”)

Movie: Amelie (2001)

From the reviews, it looks like a must-see. Wow HRH, thank you for bring this to my attention. I am so ignorant!

Wikipedia Info:

IMDb Profile:

"In my opinion, it is an outstanding film in film history for its cinematography, the music, the story, but above all the overall atmosphere ... The atmosphere is also supported by the magnificent music by Yann Tiersen who has composed 19 songs in 15 days for this movie. The principal motive appears in many variations somehow being joyful, yet at the same time sad - slow and sometimes fast and activating. The music supports every moment in the film and becomes the sound of a fabulous world."

Music: Barber's "Adagio for Strings"

Actually never heard this before. Thank you BYJ for introducing a beautiful piece to me!

Youtube :Samuel Barber - Adagio for Strings, op.11. Uncut
A nice pace

A singing version, hauntingly beautiful ...

Wow, no wonder we all love HRH! He has such good taste for arts. These movies and musics are all so very beautiful and meaningful! Thank you HRH for introducing this CD to us. I find it rather educational too! For the lucky sisters in Japan, especially Jaime, enjoy the BYJ Classics Scenes concerts!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Shadow is the Proof of Sun" by Saphire

Thanks to HRH, things seemed impossible before are happening now. Through him, I got to know so many beautiful souls, so many artistic, creative, articulate sisters. Different talents all for expressing the same love - the love for beauty and the love for love. Some are good at expressing with artwork, some are good at expressing with words. Saphire is one of them who are good at words. March 17, 2008, her writing about BYJ and her thoughts on the meaning of fandom, was published on the newspaper "Beijing Morning". Have always been a fan of her writing because I hear echo in my heart from many of her articles - she can express the feelings that I have more precisely and clearly that I can never do it myself. Here is the copy I read on BYJ Forum. I am translating with my snail pace.













Monday, March 03, 2008

Yonsama and Manga "Drops of God"

Bae-land has been excited about the BOF message confirming that HRH is deeply interested in the TV production of Japanese manga "Drops of God", refer to bb's blog "on that manga again".

A number of sources confirmed that this comics series is very popular in Asia. Another interesting trend is that lately Asia is coming up on appreciating wine culture following the European tradition. Taking into account that our HRH is a well-known wine lover, I think taking on a role in the drama "Drops of God" is a great project for him, especially it looks like a rather safe one concerning wuri yong joon's health. Talking about HRH's interest in wine, an old bb's post came to mind - "wuri yong joon & wine..." posted
on June 11, 2006.

Thanks to die-hard fan Judy, who forwarded us this piece of posting that really gave us a good sense of the popularity and potential of this manga series. When talking about potential, I do mean business potential. Wouldn't this drama fit perfectly to our HRH who has all the charming elements plus the shrewd business mind? The only concern I have is which of the two major roles he is going to pick? I am wildly thinking why don't they modify the script a bit to make the two brothers as twins, so that wuri HRH can take on both roles, that would be a new challenge our prince loves, well he'd better get double pay, but boy we are gonna see him double chances in each episode, fans are going to have a blast.

Here enjoy the article:

Divine drops


An unusual comic series about fine wines is the toast of the wine-drinking lot.

THE aroma is like a rock concert, with notes of butterflies dancing over a pond and an aftertaste of Jesus Christ and his disciples.

Wine reviews with a twist are a speciality of Kami no Shizuku (The Drops of God), a manga series that has taken Japan by storm, is conquering South Korea and China, and has boosted European wine sales along the way.

Written by a brother-and-sister duo of wine enthusiasts, the manga combines a mystery plot with a playful introduction to European wines. Think The Da Vinci Code set in a Tokyo bar.

“The minute it was translated into Korean, we had calls from three importers,” said Basaline Granger Despagne, whose family has grown wine near France’s Dordogne river for 250 years. Their Chateau Mont Perat 2001 Bordeaux appears early on in the manga.

“When it was translated into Chinese, people called us from Taiwan saying, ‘I bought some Mont Perat and sold 50 cases in two days because of the manga,’” she said in a recent phone interview.

In South Korea, businessmen drop names from the serialised book into chats with reporters and shops display “Drops of God” signs.

Wine industry experts believe part of the manga’s appeal is that it teaches readers enough about wine to understand the drink and impress their friends, but does so in an entertaining way.

The main character of the manga, a young man called Shizuku Kanzaki, discovers the beauty of wine after his father, a famous wine critic, dies and leaves an unusual will: a description of 12 wines he considers to be the best in the world, comparing them to Jesus Christ’s disciples.

The first person to find these “disciples” will inherit the father’s wine collection, a contest that pits Shizuku against his adoptive brother, Issey Tomine, who works as a sommelier.

It rocks!

Their quest to find the “Drops of God” is illustrated by double-page manga graphics visualising the heavenly wines.

A dark, dark forest with a pond and the aforementioned butterflies depicts the taste of one “disciple”.

Shizuku’s first sip of Mont Perat, on the other hand, triggers a vision of blurred faces, guitar-strumming musicians and raving fans.

“I know what you mean – it’s like Queen!” Shizuku’s friend, a barman, exclaims, referring to Freddie Mercury’s rock band. They go on to compare the wine’s acidity to Mercury’s voice, wrapped in the thick sound of guitars and drums.

Yuko Kibayashi, who writes the scenario for the manga with her brother Shin under a pen name, said the idea for the series came to them when they tasted a Burgundy wine that impressed them so much they turned into wine aficionados.

In an e-mailed exchange recently, she said the manga is not sponsored by anyone and they choose the wines based on their own independent research, including trips abroad and tastings.

“We mention wines that we’ve actually drunk and felt were delicious,” Kibayashi wrote.

“The kind of ‘betrayal’ of writing that a wine we didn’t like is delicious would pose the danger of destroying the manga.”

Kibayashi’s view is reflected in the manga, where wines costing 1,000-2,000 yen (RM27-RM55) spark just as much excitement and colourful visions among the characters as pricier liquids.

The thirst for wine

Umberto Cosmo, an Italian wine producer, was thrilled when his family’s much-loved Colli di Conegliano Rosso Contrada di Concenigo appeared in the manga. The Cosmos drink their Colli di Conegliano red with meals at home, and that’s how it was presented in the manga: a good, moderately-priced table wine for everyday enjoyment.

Speaking by telephone from Italy, Cosmo said sales of the wine jumped some 30% after the manga came out.

Drinking wine the way the Cosmos do – in a relaxed setting, with friends or family, accompanied by simple food – is a familiar concept to most Europeans, but not to many Asians.

Wine remains an expensive status symbol in much of Asia, to be savoured in a top restaurant complete with a haughty sommelier as stiff as the starched white tablecloths.

Japan probably has the most developed wine scene in the region. At a recent wine-tasting in Tokyo’s Grand Hyatt hotel, row after row of Japanese wine lovers were expertly slurping, spitting and taking notes as German sommelier Markus Del Monego explained what they were drinking.

“In Europe, wine is a piece of grown culture. Europe has been shaped by wine for centuries,” said Del Monego, a former sommelier world champion who frequently travels to Asia.

“In China, the wine scene is just emerging. It consists of a very small part of society that’s very price-oriented, because it’s in an exploratory phase. That phase has already passed in Japan,” he added.

Early next year, The Drops of God will be published in French, possibly followed by Italian. The original book series is expected to continue for another five years or so, and there is talk of a film.

All this is likely to further stimulate the thirst for wine.

Supply, however, may hit a natural limit: there is only so much high-quality wine any given territory will yield.

And wine producers may not even want to sell that widely – Basaline Granger Despagne said her family had been approached by distributors in mainland China but had so far found no one to whom they felt comfortable selling their wine.

In the meantime, the search for the manga’s remaining “disciples” – only three have been identified so far – will keep manga fans, wine importers and vintners on their toes. – Reuters