Sunday, February 10, 2008

TWSSG vs Hotelier

There was a funny feeling when I watched the TWSSG episode 24. Some of the dialogues reminded me of Hotelier. They are almost like coming out of the same scriptwriter. Wonder if Song Jina is a Hotelier fan, or most of the Korean drama scriptwriters are thinking on the same line? Or another wild thought, did PD Kim or BYJ instrumented these dialogues, borrowing the ideas from the Hotelier?

If you don't come with me, then I'll go over to you ...

Damdeok : If you don't want to come with me, then I will go over to you.

Frank Shin : If you cannot come with me, then, I have to go over to you.

You are my palace/hotel...

Damdeok: From now on, wherever you are is my palace.

Frank Shin: You have built a hotel in my heart...

Cart Kicking ...

Damdeok kicked the travelling cart broken so that it could not move again, in order to stop Sujini from running away to avoid him.

Frank Shin kicked the hotel service cart away so that he could block Jinyin from running away, in order that she could listen to his explanation.

Mind being on Hotelier, then I recalled this hand grabbing scene from Episode 8 in TWSSG being similar to the scene in Hotelier when they met at the Casablanca ...

Hand grabbing ...

Feeling helpless, Damdeok grabbed Kiha's hand, with such a sad and longing look ...

HRH played so moving in this Hotelier hand grabbing scene, that sad and longing look ...

This is the cause of me start watching the Hotelier all over again. Such an entertaining, inspiring, handsome drama, HRH being the handsome part. He was sooo cool as a Frank Shin. I think he looked the best in that Silver shirt with the silver tie. Again, no one in history can be as handsome as HRHHH being a shrewd Harvard graduated "hunter" businessman. Such a God given actor.


gosijo said...

Hi dear H,

Such astute parallels! Thanks for bringing our attention to them! I particularly like the Casablanca scene.

The cart breaking scene in TWSSG is also reminiscent of the service door short-circuiting in Hotelier, no?

Anonymous said...


Yes, no one in history can be as handsome as HRH....
I honestly like to suggest all fans to see him in person, coz all the best picture/drama would not justify his real look.
Ask bb or mishio, It's true.
His charisma, luminous, out of this world look, it's beyond my expression.


HeippieH said...

Dear Gosijo,

That is exactly what I am trying to show - the cart breaking scene in TWSSG is indeed the reminiscent of the scene at the service door breaking part in Hotelier, Frank first kicked the service cart out of one door and shut it off, then he turned around to the other door, broke the circuit so both doors were closed and can't be open by pushing the button! Wow what a desperately determined man! Now he can have the entire Jin-yong for himself! Just I don't know how to capture the motion clip to show this mighty part! One day I'll learn it.

HeippieH said...

Hi Hi byjglobal,

I heard that and believe that, seeing the real HRH is more mesmerizing. I am so afraid that I can not handle the situation, so I have been pushing it off ... haha... Have you seen him in person? How many times?