Saturday, September 15, 2007

TWSSG Link with Chinese

Dearest Friends,

Long time no talk. Got a few seconds today, here let me share with you a link to watch TWSSG with Chinese subtitles. Hopefully people who watched this link can tell the English speaking folks about what HRH has said and what is going on in the drama. Boy I was so confused about their relationship in the first 3 episodes before I watched this link. Just one thing, it does not show as smooth as tvant. Here, enjoy ---

Till the next time, have a good one.


jaime said...

thanks my dear h for the link, I find youku takes a long time to load, is that normal? how about tudou, same thing?

I agree this is still better than guessing w/ no subtitles, so maybe I should endure the long waiting, right?

vegasbyj said...

Hi H!
Hi Jaime!

Very happy to see your post.
Thanks for the link.
I also read is another place to Great King Four Gods.
Hope all is going welll!

Take care!

HeippieH said...

Hi Dear Jaime, this link is truly very slow, I lost patience quite early. Still need to watch the MBC broadcast or reply, can't wait. Eventually we'll get the translations thanks to all those diligent, loving sisters who translate for us. Normally you'd get translations in a couple of days, i can bare with that. but even if I don't get the translations, I enjoy your interpretation of the drama with pleasure. It sounds so much fun reading your "second thoughts' *_*


HeippieH said...

Hi Dear Vegas,

Thanks for coming by. Sorry for not being able to post lately, the well-known execuse - dreadfully busy. I also got to know from Camille about the veoh, tried it, pretty nice. Just still don't understand the language. But what else do we want more than watching our HRH.
